mardi 28 avril 2015

Creative and Innovative Skills




  2-9 , 1-5 , 5-1


1+9 ---- Flower + Rain
0+7 ---- Fly +Tree
5+1 ---- Fire + Water

1+9 ----  The flowers showered from the sky as the rain
0+7 ----  A tree was flying today.
5+1 ----  Fire above the water.


The flowers showered from the sky as the rain

A tree was flying today.

Fire above the water.


When doing the associated mind map you must
- relax your mind
-do it really fast
-input any random words.


in logical focus mind map we must focus one topic from the logical mind map  

Assignment 1 – WWW = BRAIN

Logical Mind Map on WWW.

Logical Mind Map on Brain.

Essay 500 words.

TITLE - Not all the information in website are accurate.

OBJECTIVE – How to find accurate information in websites.

World Wide Web which known as www or w3 is currently believed that it is equal to the human brain which makes the www is intelligent. Webpages will be accessed via internet through web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Webpages will contain a lot of multimedia elements such as text, video, images, and others. We can search a lot of thing from the internet, anytime and anywhere and you will control it using your fingertips rather than waiting news on radio and television, newspaper which will take one day to distribute it.
Brain is the central organ of the nervous system that located in the head of human and protected by skull. It is one of the largest and complex organ in human body and more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connection called synapses. A lot parts and function of brain such as,
  1. Cortex, thinking and voluntary movement.
  2. Stem , breathing and sleeping.
  3. Cerebellum, coordinate and balance.
  4. Frontal lobes, problem solving and judgement.
  5. Temporal lobes, memory and hearing.
Even though there is a lot of function in brain, people still try to use website to search information and finish their work because they are saying that stimulate our brain to get information will be late but they didn't think about the information in the webpages are produced by human brain too.
We all know that we can gather or find so much of information that we wanted from the website for example students who always surf the internet to gather information about their studies materials. There is a lot of information type such as news, ideas or opinion, research result, theory, everyday practicalities, fact and figures, history and background, people’s experience, advice or help, technical information, legal information or educational information. This information on website is written or published by the humans which human will do mistake always so the information in the website sometimes will be the truth (facts) or sometimes it will be not accurate. For example, if you are updating the latest news that happening in this world, make sure you surf the right page or website and it is official and registered as a trustworthy webpages. For the students who are doing the assignment for their courses should choose a right one or they will get low marks or even fail in their module. There are a lot of disadvantages of inaccurate website information such as;
  1. As a student you will risk your mark if take information at wrong webpages.
  2. You will have no idea from the news update, will not know the true news.
  3. Lot of uneducated people will occur.
  4. People will get confuse and will be hard to believe to anyone even its right information.
  5. People will think that the internet is not trustworthy anymore.

In conclusion, even though we are using webpages in our research, we must try to use our brain to differentiate between the truth and false information. People must accept that human brain is more powerful than websites and there are so many ways to check if the information in the webpages is accurate or not to collect as a reference.



How to find accurate information in webpages.

  1. Words - Word allows us to read the book.
  2. Page - one side of a sheet of paper in a book.
  3. Size- The size of book is the height and width of its cover.
  4. Part- A book is divided into different pats.
  5. Author- is a writer of a book.
  6. Editor- a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a book
  7. Illustrator- a person who draws or creates pictures for books.
  8. School- place where you study
  9. Reader - people who go through the sentences
  10. Knowledge - Books enable us to acquire good knowledge
  11. Education- we can get education anywhere.
  12. Language - a person who talk
  13. Contents - the topic in the pages
  14. Interesting – a topic that you will love.
  15. Facts – the truth information based on prove.
  16. Expert – the one who knows about the certain topic well.
  17. Year – the time when a thing is produce.
  18. Title – the words that started to make the people know what is the topic about.
  19. Logical – the things that are not nonsense contents, have a valid reason.
  20. Library – a place where you can read or lend book.
  21. Search – you will get the related thing of any topic you find.
  22. Details – the sentences must be perfect with the prove stated.
  23. Identify – you must know what your reading at.
  24. Lazy – laziness will make you get the wrong thing.
  25. Publisher - A person or company that prepares and issues books.
  26. Eliminate – delete the unwanted things.
  27. Organized – things that are stacked in right orders tidy.
  28. Open – anything that you release or think wisely and logically.

What is might it means in practice

1. Words – you must find the truth contents words that are easy to understand when searching information at websites.
2. Page – Make sure the website page is organized.
3. Size – The size is doesn't matter for retrieving the information, the only matter is the content.
4. Part – Make sure you go through every part of the webpages to get accurate result.
5. Author – always make sure the Author names or background is stated so you can know it is a quality content or not.
6. Editor – every website must have professional editors so the mistakes in webpages could be edited.
7. Illustrator – always search the website that have with a lot of illustrator so you can have the evidence and understand the content.
8. School – you can ask your teachers or lecturers at school about the website which they can help to find the right ones.
9. Reader – you must always read all the content so you could understand it.
10. Knowledge – knowledge in the website could be right or wrong, so choose wisely.
11. Education – educate yourself to how to find the right and officials webpages.
12. Language – always find the webpages that you can understand the language.
13. Contents – the content in the webpages must be perfect.
14. Interesting – there is a lot of interesting and accurate content of websites.
15. Facts – Facts content in websites is the most preferable content because the will distribute with the reason.
16. Expert – if you don’t have any idea, always find anyone or even your friend who is expert in identifying the content.
17. Year – always take the information that is updated to the latest timing because information can always change especially in internet.
18. Title – if the title is not same as the topic you search, just ignore it.
19. Logical – the content in website must be logic and reasonable.
20. Library – always save the webpages at your library so you no need to search it back.
21. Search – always input the right keyword for the topic at the search bar.
22. Details – the details always occur in the webpages.
23. Identify – you also must identify what is wrong and right.
24. Lazy – don’t be lazy to search and read all the content of webpages.
25. Publisher – if there is a publisher stated in the website, it has an accurate content.
26. Eliminate – Eliminate the content that is gibberish.
27. Organized – after you read all the information, please list out the content and subtopic and organize it.
28. Open – always be open-minded when read website information.

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